Monday, October 5, 2009

Michael Hauge's "Six Stage Plot Structure"

Despite its name, Hauge’s Six Stage Plot Structure has its roots in a four-act structure as you can tell by the illustration. It starts with a setup followed by an inciting incident called Turning Point #1: Opportunity. It has regular turning points in the plot to indicate act breaks (Turning Points #2, #3, & #4), and ends with a climax (Turning Point #5) and resolution (Aftermath). As shown, Hauge’s paradigm describes the Outer Journey as the attempt to achieve the story goal. The Inner Journey describes how the Hero (Main Character) goes from living fully within his Identity (a mask that hides his inner trauma and desires) to a life free of the Identity and fulfilling his Destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Jobs' thoughtful drive on Idea Management. Some notable ideas from this master of innovation tell us how thoughts become things. Jobs showed the world that truly valuable innovation starts first with a belief, which then frames a perspective, which then inspires an idea, which eventually becomes a tangible reality. Jobs' beliefs can be adopted and adapted by anyone who strives to be a true master of innovation as well.
